Aultman Alliance Community Hospital Partners with Paulus Orthodontics for Dec. 7 Blood Drive

It’s the season of giving, which means it’s an ideal time for people to roll up their sleeves and make a lifesaving donation during a blood drive hosted by Aultman Alliance Community Hospital (AACH) on Thursday, Dec. 7, from 1 – 6 p.m. Interested donors must pre-register at or by calling the AACH Volunteer Services office at 330-596-7821.
For the past decade, Paulus Orthodontics has been the sponsor of AACH’s December blood drive. Dr. Michael Paulus’s appreciation for the need for blood donations started when his nephew, Ryan, was diagnosed with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome as an infant.
“When he was 4 years old, he needed open heart surgery, and we knew that he would need additional blood transfusions,” said Dr. Paulus. “Thankfully, I was a match and was able to be his donor at the time. It was then that I realized how great the need is for blood donors. Since 2011, our staff has supported this drive. Everyone contributes to help make the event a great success.”
All donors who participate in the blood drive will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win a smart TV or various gift cards, with five winners being selected.
According to the American Red Cross, every day in the U.S. approximately 29,000 units of red blood cells are needed, as well as 5,000 units of platelets. That means every two seconds, someone needs blood and/or platelets.