Jan 5, 2018
AACH Gives Recommendations for Influenza Care

As influenza season reaches its peak and flu activity becomes more widespread in our area, Aultman Alliance Community Hospital is seeing a high volume of patients presenting with flu-like symptoms.
As activity continues to increase, we are recommending the following to patients as they consider whether or not to seek immediate medical care.
- If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms that include fever, chills, headache or respiratory symptoms, it is recommended that you stay home and avoid contact with the public for 24 hours after symptoms have subsided. To reduce transmission, AACH highly encourages frequent hand hygiene and covering coughs.
- If you become ill and choose to seek medical care, please remember our surrounding urgent care centers are available and equipped to handle most cases of influenza.
- Aultman Alliance Community Hospital recommends that those in high-risk groups who develop flu-like symptoms, such as young children, the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions, should contact their physician for further instructions.
- As a reminder, it’s not too late to get the annual flu vaccine, which can help lessen the symptoms and duration of the illness.
- Due to increased activity in the community, Aultman Alliance Community Hospital has also implemented a temporary restriction on the visitation policy that limits patients to no more than two visitors at a time. Additionally, for the safety of our patients, individuals exhibiting signs and symptoms of illness, or those 14 years and younger are also discouraged from visiting at this time.